Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tn House to take up resolution branding U.N.'s Agenda 21 as a plot

The Tennessean, Mar. 13, 2012

A resolution branding a United Nations program encouraging sustainable development as a dark scheme to crush people’s property rights through “extreme environmentalism” goes to the Tennessee House for a vote on Thursday.

The legislation, HJR 0587, which refers to “Agenda 21,” is one of several pieces of legislation that has brought support from those who say development is too heavily regulated. Read more

Comment: I am still reading and learning, but not yet convinced that Agenda 21 is a plot for world domination. Everything from traffic roundabouts, to opposition to road expansions, to planning and zoning, to a preference for locally grown food, to conservation easements is being attributed to the influence of Agenda 21. Some of the opposition sounds pretty nutty.

On the other hand, some reasonable people make a compelling argument that Agenda 21 is a blueprint for restricting private property rights and expanding the authority of government and is a plan that will destroy our way of life. I am not ready to take a position but find the debate fascinating.

At the time of this posting, the article generated 41 comments on the Tennessean web page, almost all of them against Agenda 21.  Read the comments to get a flavor for what the opposition is saying.

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