Friday, April 13, 2012

Dean noncommittal on funding Metro schools' budget request | Nashville City Paper

Dean noncommittal on funding Metro schools' budget request
Friday, April 13, 2012, By Joey Garrison, City Paper
After hearing Metro school officials discuss $723 million in education needs, Mayor Karl Dean was noncommittal Friday on whether his administration would be able to fully fund the district’s massive proposed increase in the upcoming budget.

“We have things we’re going to have to look at,” Dean said when asked whether the school board’s request for a $48.9 million budget increase is a realistic figure to fund. He added that public education remains a top focus. (link)
This is encouraging, but I am still expecting a proposal from the mayor for a big tax increase and unfortunately I don't think the council will reject it, unless there is a massive objection from the public.

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