Friday, April 27, 2012

Dig deeper to save the fairgrounds

Dear Red Army:
I called.  You answered. 
What you have done in the past 36 hours has been impressive.  Emails were reaching the legislature rapidly, 1 every 3 minutes for periods of time.
But now I need you to dig deep.
The Tennessee State Senate will consider a bill that allows the State Fair as we know it to move outside of Davidson County, the state Capital.  
A Senate subcommittee will meet on Friday in Legislative Plaza Room 12 at 9:15am to consider an amendment to require the State Fair be held in Davidson County thru 2015 (it still allows the state fair to be controlled by the state, a reality we may have to face).  At 10:00am, the full Senate will convene at the 2nd floor of the Capital Building to vote.  
1)  Send another email.  Forward this request to your friends.  Urge the Senate to "Keep it in the Capital"  Copy/Paste the addresses from BELOW to send an EMAIL to all of Tennessee's Senators.

2)  Unpack your red shirt and get to the Capital on Friday!
If you can get there before 9:15, head to Legislative Plaza Room 12 for a subcommittee to consider the amendment.  If you can't get there before that, meet on the Senate side of the second floor of the TN State Capital building so the Senators see you.  Pull them aside and explain why the State Fair needs to stay in Davidson County and what it means to you.  
3) Call the Davidson County Senators (Davidson County is broken into 3 senate regions) and the Gov and Lt. Gov.:
Sen. Thelma Harper: 741-2453
Sen. Doug Henry: 741-3291
Sen. Joe Haynes: 741-6679
Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey: 741-4524
Governor Haslam: 741-2001
Copy/Paste these emails to reach all the Senators and House leadership:,,,,,,,,,,,
PS. Tennessee Farm Bureau is pushing this legislation in the name of "saving the state fair." They need to hear from you as well! Ask that they put what they say they want in black-n-white and support this amendment.

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