Thursday, April 26, 2012

Farris Announces Campaign for State House

Jobs, Economy, and Responsible Leadership to Be Focus
NASHVILLE – Bellevue real estate agent Dwight “DJ” Farris announced today that he is running as a Republican for State Representative, District 50.
“I am proud to call Bellevue my home,” said Farris.  “I am overwhelmed by the support I have already received in the community, encouraging me to run and supporting my campaign.  It is clear that the people of the 50th district are calling for new leadership.  To keep Tennessee on the road to excellence, we need leadership that understands what it takes to reach higher.”
“It is time for our district to have a Representative focused on how to get Tennesseans back to work.  Government doesn’t create jobs; getting government out of the way so job creators can do what they do best is a great start.  The time is now for our campaign to create this climate for economic growth.  Among other things, the people of the 50th district want a balanced budget, low taxes, an efficient and customer-friendly government, and the best education possible for their children.
“I am ready to work hard for the people of Davidson County, and honored by the encouragement I have received to join this race. My experience in the private sector gives me the experience our district needs to ensure that our area is one that attracts jobs and investment.  Tennesseans understand government should operate in a limited role and turn its focus to cutting spending and balancing the budget,” concluded Farris.
Farris is a Realtor and resident of Bellevue, graduate of Lipscomb University, pursuing MBA at Middle Tennessee State University, President of the Homeowner’s Association at Montview Condominiums, and Membership Chair for the Tennessee Chapter of The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art.

District 50 includes Bellevue, Goodlettsville, Joelton, Whites Creek, Madison, Scottsboro, Whites Bend, Union Hill, South Harpeth, and Bellshire in Davidson County.

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