Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Fighting Hunger Together" rally at Wallmart

Tonya Miller, Sandra Moore, and Tony Tenpenny
Yesterday's "Fighting Hunger Together" rally at the new Wallmart store on Powell Avenue, in the 100 Oaks area, was a great success. Nashville was the kick-off for the national Fighting Hunger Together spring campaign.
Nearly 4,000 Walmart stores nationwide will provide opportunities for meal donations through the purchase of participating supplier brands. A large crowd attended the day-time rally.

Gov. Haslam and Mayor Dean presented as well as the famous Band Perry.  Mayor Karl Dean in his remarks said that assisted school meals are many times the only meals available to a child.  The Band Perry played three songs, including their smash hit "If I Die Young."

Corporate representatives from Kellogs, General Mills, Kraft and the Food Bank committed to 1,000,000 more meals for Tennessee. Although 1 in 6 people in the United States supposedly face hunger daily, the ratio is said to be 1 in 4 Tennesseans. While I personally have my doubts that the number of people actually facing hunger is anywhere near that high, I do know that there are people needing help keeping their family fed in these difficult times.
On hand to lead their support to the effort to combat hunger was District 16 Councilman Tony Tenpenny, District 17 Councilwoman Sandra Moore and State Representative District 53 candidate Tonya Miller.

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