Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Gaylord-Dollywood park, HCA tax abatements clear Council votes

By Joey Garrison. City Paper, Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 12:01am

Metro Council members reminisced about the bygone days of Opryland before giving preliminary approval of a $5.8 million tax break to accommodate a new tourist destination for that area: a water and snow amusement park billed as the first of its kind. Gaylord-Dollywood park, HCA tax abatements clear Council 

Robert Duval and Josh Stites speak out against the deal.
“The last thing we need to be doing is giving tax incentives to some individuals and then turn around and raise property taxes on people ...” Duvall said

By a vote of  29-3, the Council approved the tax break for HCA on third reading.

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