Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gill Recalls the 2001 Horn-honking income tax protest

This is great coverage of the "GOP Green Hill Breakfast Summit." This group meets the fourth Saturday of the month at Swett's Resturant in Green Hills at 2209 Abbott Martin Rd, in the building known as the retired teachers apartments.

Breakfast begins at 8:15 AM and meeting at 9 AM sharp. The cost of breakfast is $8.75 and must be paid in cash. Advance registration is required so Swett's will know how much food to prepare. To register, email GREENHILLSGOP@GMAIL.COM .

The event chairmen are Peter and Gail Voysey. They do a great job and always have interesting speakers.

The Greenhills Breakfast Group is one of four Republican Breakfast groups in the County.  There is one in the Southeast (Cain Ridge, Priest Lake) area, one in the Lebanon-Hermitage area and the long-standing grandaddy of Davidson County Republican breakfast clubs, the Bellevue Breakfast Club.  All of these are officially  sanctioned by the Davidson County Republican Party but are managed by the local group and event chairmen.

To connect with these groups follow this blog for announcements of meetings or check the Davidson County Republican Party website.

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