Thursday, April 05, 2012

Marsha Blackburn has no Republican opponent

Below is the list of candidates seeking the District 7 seat.

District 7
Akin, William – I
Amouzouvik, Credo – D
Arnold, Jack – I
Blackburn, Marsha – R
Ladner, Leonard (Lenny) – I
District 7 – (continued)
Martin, Chris – D

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  1. Marsha also voted for HR 347. Obama along with the Congress Makes Free Speech A Felony.
    It is most disheartening to find that the men and women, we-the-American-people, just voted into the 112th Congress in 2010 (overwhelmingly Republicans) have just turned around and betrayed us. Yes, the 112th Congress, by passing this law, and soon by the acting President by signing HR 347 into law, has and will have betrayed their oath of office; to preserve and defend the U.S. Constitution. What is one to do when there are no other candidates to vote for??? Disheartening indeed!

  2. Marsha also voted for HR 347. Obama along with the Congress Makes Free Speech A Felony.
    It is most disheartening to find that the men and women, we-the-American-people, just voted into the 112th Congress in 2010 (overwhelmingly Republicans) have just turned around and betrayed us. Yes, the 112th Congress, by passing this law, and soon by the acting President by signing HR 347 into law, has and will have betrayed their oath of office; to preserve and defend the U.S. Constitution. What is one to do when there are no other candidates to vote for??? Disheartening indeed!
