Saturday, April 28, 2012

New 'Stop Agenda 21' Action Kit from the John Birch Society

You know who the John Birch Society is don't you?

They are the group that said President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a willing tool of the Communist Party.  They are the ones who tried to stop fluoridation of water, saying it was a communist plot to get us accustomed to the government medicating us by adding drugs to the water and to make us all stupid. They are the ones who said forming Metro government was a communist plot.

The JBS are the ones who have a grand conspiracy theory that ever since about 1776 all major events of the world, included all of our wars and revolutions and economic upheavals and political movements, including Communism and Nazism, have been orchestrated by the puppet masters of the Illuminati.

The JBS was the groups that was denounced by William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater.

Now you too can become an expert on Agenda 21 by ordering this new Stop Agenda 21 action kit from the John Birch Society. Here is how to order:

New 'Stop Agenda 21' Action Kit

By:  Tom DeWeese
March 08, 2012

Activists have been pleading with me to help provide the tools they need to stand up to national and international planning groups, elected officials and the news media in their fight to stop Agenda 21 in their communities.
I have heard you and have responded!

The Action Kit includes (scroll down for a video presentation of the Stop Agenda 21 Action Kit):

Two DVD sets, including two workshops; 3 manuals; 1 workbook; and a special PowerPoint presentation. Everything you need to know all the details on how to fight back against Agenda 21.
Here’s what you find in the Stop Agenda 21 Action Kit:
  • I’ve outlined the treaties, policy papers and international meetings that have set the agenda. 
  • I’ve shown how those international policies go directly into local communities, disguised as innocent-sounding development projects or historic preservation – drastically changing our way of life.
  • I’ve revealed how those International plans are moving past Congress and into local communities.            
  • I’ve detailed how the Supreme Court has helped them do it.
  • And I’ve exposed the private organizations that are able to take control of your community and enforce these policies, without a vote or any input from you.
  • How international policy is directing local communities to enforce cutbacks on water use by as much as 75%.
  • The Sierra Club’s plan to force 500 families to live on one acre of land — and they call it “Smart Growth.” 
  • The real reason why the Supreme Court destroyed private property rights in the infamous “Kelo” decision. It says that any property may be taken by the community for the “common good.”
  • The actual definition of a “Soviet” and how international organizations are at work right now in your community, enforcing policy to turn your town into a little soviet of non-elected boards, councils and regional governments answerable to no one.    
There’s more — much more.
  • Did you think Obama’s health care policy is his brainchild? Of course not. Again, it has international roots. I will show you the direct connection and the true purpose behind the planned destruction of America’s health care system.
Trust me — the reports of health care rationing and death counseling are very real.  I’ll show you where these ideas came from.
  • Did you think it was Ronald Reagan who killed the Soviet Union? I’ll give you the details on how Gorbachev himself did it and I’ll tell you why.
  • Did you think your children aren’t learning because there isn’t enough money and teachers in the classrooms? I’ll show you that the dumbing down of American children is done on purpose and that the schools are operating perfectly — for what they have been “reformed” to do.
 Click here to purchase your "Stop Agenda 21" Action Kit.

        And there’s still more…
  • I’ve provided details on how the “consensus” on global warming has collapsed.
  • And to prove that global warming is the greatest hoax ever played on mankind – I’ve provided more evidence and quotes from scientists from around the world than you have ever seen in the news media
  • I’ve provided stories of some of the victims of these tyrannical policies and how they have been robbed of their property and livelihood — simply because a government thug has too much power.    
Most important, to complete this massive project, I sought help from some of the leading experts on the issue of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, including Henry Lamb, the man who first revealed the threat of Agenda 21 to the nation; along with Mike Coffman, one of the nation’s leading experts on Smart Growth; and Michael Chapman, the most knowledgeable expert on how the public school curriculum is being used to train your children to be the perfect citizens of the global village; the late Dr. Madeleine Cosman, a pioneer in exposing the destruction of our nation’s once great health care system and how ObamaCare is directly related to Agenda 21; Clarice Ryan, one of the nation’s leading experts on the threat of Conservation Easements; John Anthony, a rising new activist star in the fight to stop Agenda 21; Beverly Eakman, an expert on the psychology behind Consensus meetings; and Paul Driessen, Marc Morano and Jay Lehr, three of the nation’s leading experts on the global warming hoax and the fallacies of “alternative energy.”  

I relied on these experts along with several of the leading activists who are on the front lines fighting Agenda 21 from the state house to city council chambers.

Of course there are lots of newsletters, blogs, and internet sites out there telling you about “insider” information that is supposed to reveal the “truth.”

Other “experts” are missing the core threat. It’s not discussed in the media, newsletters or national conferences. Even many TEA Party rallies.

But it is revealed in detail in the Stop Agenda 21 Action Kit.                     

Only in my Action Kit will you learn:
  • How our language is being manipulated to control policy.
  • The threat we face is not a Republican or Democrat issue.
  • The ruling principle that will completely reorganize our society.
  • The three E’s of the “Sustainable” collective.
  • The threat of the “precautionary principle,” and how it will destroy our economy.
  • The diabolical plan behind Bill Clinton’s “reinvention” of government and the disastrous affects on our nation today.
  • How Public/Private Partnerships are destroying free enterprise.
  • Little known details about ICLEI, the international organization that is taking over most American cities and running them without voter input.
  • The leader of that same organization actually said, “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.”
  • How the politically-based radical environmental movement uses fear of environmental damage as camouflage while they work to transform the American systems of government, justice and economics.
  • How the United Nations intends to rule the entire world as its “global commons.”
  • How the “death” of the Soviet Union actually freed its leaders to expand their power and influence over the world.
  • The dawn of “Common-ism” that transformed national sovereignty, natural resources, and private land into “common property” for the global commons.
  • How the public education system has been transformed to create global village idiots.
  • The four international commissions that are transforming the world towards global governance.
  • The full definition of an NGO and where these privately-funded groups get their power.
  • The most powerful environmental group in the world and why it’s the most dangerous.
  • How UN policies become American law.
  • The Charter for Global Democracy and how its 12 principles are being fully implemented to create global governance.
  • The Smart Growth fraud.
  • The lunacy of the Wildlands Project.
  • How “green” industry and “green” school houses are costing taxpayers millions in additional costs -- with no benefit.
  • How international policy is directing local communities to enforce cutbacks on water use by as much as 75%.
  • The Sierra Club’s plan to force 500 families to live on one acre of land – and they call it “Smart Growth.” 
  • The real reason why the Supreme Court destroyed private property rights in the infamous “Kelo” decision. It says that any property may be taken by the community for the “common good.”
  • The actual definition of a “Soviet” and how international organizations are at work right now in your community, enforcing policy to turn your town into a little soviet of non-elected boards, councils and regional governments answerable to no one. 
  • I’ve shown how those international policies go directly into local communities, disguised as innocent-sounding development projects or historic preservation – drastically changing our way of life.
  • I’ve revealed how those International plans have moved past Congress and into local communities.          
  • I’ve detailed how the Supreme Court has helped them do it.
  • And I’ve exposed the private organizations that are able to take control of your community and enforce these policies, without a vote or any input from you.

All of these details are included in the special MANUAL of the Action Kt.

But there is more — much more!

The Action Kit also includes:

A set of DVDs with the following presentations
  1. One hour overview presentation of Agenda 21 — this is my speech that I have been delivering across the nation to ever-growing, enthusiastic crowds.
  2. One hour presentation by Michael Coffman, connecting the dots between Agenda 21 and other issues that we face.
  3. One hour presentation by Don Casey dealing with the assault on American agriculture
  4. One hour presentation by education expert Michael Chapman, detailing how the public education curriculum is being used to train children to accept the policies of Agenda 21.
“How-to” Workshops on DVD including —
  1. Beverly Eakman teaching how to stop the group manipulation tactics of facilitated consensus meetings.
  2. Dan Byfield of American Stewards of Liberty teaching how to use an exciting new tool called “Coordination” to stop federal and state policies from invading your community.  

Workbook – this is the heart of the Action Kit
  1. Details on how to fight back against Agenda 21 policies on our community.
  2. Actual sample legislation to protect property rights and repeal Sustainable Development legislation that has been introduced in state legislatures which you can present to your state legislator.
  3. A side by side review of actual comprehensive development plans to show their direct ties to Agenda 21. Use them as a guideline to compare your own community’s plan.    
  4. A sample anti-Agenda 21 resolution that can be used at local and state party conventions to add to party platforms. (This is the actual anti-Agenda 21 resolution passed unanimously by the Republican National Committee).
  5. A sample petition to be used in your community to oppose Agenda 21 policy.
  6. How to begin researching if Agenda 21 policy is in your town.
  7. How to create a “Property Rights Council” for your County Commissioners to assure all legislation protects private property rights.
  8. Handout flyers that can be copied and presented at public meetings.
  9. A full manual on “Coordination.”
  10. A speaker’s bureau featuring a list of speakers from around the nation qualified and ready to attend your public meeting to discuss the dangers of Agenda 21.

Beverly Eakman’s full manual on stopping Consensus meetings.
  1. This works perfectly with her DVD workshop presentation.
A manual providing several short stories detailing the victims of Agenda 21 polices.
  1. The proponents of Agenda 21 and some elected officials constantly insist that their policies hurt no one. This manual will prove otherwise.
The Action Kit itself is a $250 value.  But you can get a full copy now for $195.  Plus I’ll include some valuable extras.

First, I’ll supply regular updates to the Action Kit as new material comes available — FREE! That means the Action Kit will always be fresh and up to date.

Second, I will also provide you with a free on-line subscription to my newsletter, The DeWeese Report. That’s an additional $30 value — FREE!     

This Action Kit represents 18 years of my most dedicated work and accumulated knowledge. Moreover, it contains special reposts and presentations from my closest advisors and colleagues — the most knowledgeable experts in the field. You will not find this information anywhere else.

I urge you to act quickly. Agenda 21 is already entrenched in most American cities. If allowed to continue, our style of government, indeed our way of life will be destroyed forever.

We can beat it — now — if we all understand exactly what we are fighting and how to fight back. To do that — you need my Stop Agenda 21 Action Kit!
 Click here to purchase your "Stop Agenda 21" Action Kit.
Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center and Editor of The DeWeese Report.
Now you know where all of these experts are coming from in almost every county in America to teach about Agenda 21.  And, where the sample legislation is coming from that is getting introduced in state after state.  For $195 you too can be an expert.

I am not saying that we should not be concerned about the influence of Agenda 21. I am not taking the position that Agenda 21, which has no force in law, may not contain some policy proposals that we should reject. I am saying you should take with a grain of salt anything that comes from the John Birch Society.

If this interest in Agenda 21 causes more people to start reading their local government's General Plan, then that is a good thing. I think that more people should get involved in zoning and planning issues and be better informed about what policies their planning commissions and local governing bodies are adopting. I think local governments can exert too much control. They can adopt bad polices. We need more citizen awareness and involvement.

I tried to read agenda 21 for myself but only read about the first six of the forty chapters. It is real boring and I always seem to have something more important to do. I have read a lot about it and watched internet videos, but I can't seem to get much real information about Agenda 21 from any reputable source. An analysis of Agenda 21 has not been done by Cato, or Heritage or any other of the reputable conservative policy study groups. It has not been denounced by David Brooks or George Will are any of the other dozens of reputable conservative columnist. With the exception of Glen Beck, I don't think it gets more than a quick passing reference from anyone.

Across the nation in city after city, people are denouncing all sorts of things as part of the Agenda 21 agenda. Below is a list:

  • outcome based education
  • sustainable agriculture 
  • Community assets inventory 
  • Traffic Roundabouts 
  • greenways and bikeways 
  • conservation easements 
  • General Land use Plans 
  • Neighborhood groups 
  • Smart growth 
  • Smart Meters 
  • Community oriented policing 
  • opposition to suburban sprawl 
  • opposition to road expansions 
  • requirements that parking lots be paved 
  • requirements that commercial enterprises have a minimum number of parking spaces 
  • the effort to regulate dietary supplements and organic foods
This is real. If you doubt it, Google any of the terms above combined with "Agenda 21." Everything someone doesn't like is getting denounced as part of Agenda 21.

I really like greenways.  I thing community policing is the way they used to do policing when policemen walked a beat and is a good thing.  I have driven in Europe where roundabouts are common. They make a lot of sense, increase safety and save time idling at traffic lights, yet apparently they too are part of the Agenda 21 conspiracy.   Please, please think before you denounce something you don't like as being part of the Agenda 21 conspiracy. Just say, "I don't like roundabouts." You don't have to denounce it as part of Agenda 21.

If you go to a public education meeting on Agenda 21, you might want to ask your expert, if he got his expertize for $195 from the John Birch Society.

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  1. $195.00 Are you kidding me. The only one who will profit from this is DeWeese.

  2. You obviously think the State of Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee, and 50 other municipalities who have denounced Agenda 21 are misguided. Let me invite you to read "SmartCode"( the way they are implementing Agenda 21). If you finish that and don't conclude that it's main purpose is to promote social justice and environment racialism, then you didn't look deep enough. Look at "Open Sectors". The bottom line is to eliminate rural lands and ownership and move everyone into a high density neighborhood in the city. This is to eliminate cars and their pollution. If you doubt what I have just said, look at what Mr. Duany says when he thinks no one is listening. SmartCode states its goals throughout the document without shame. Unfortunately the people responsible for vetting it, do not do so. I would be glad to prove to you that this is not JBS, it's the Tea Party and it is real and here now. I have reputable sources, however one tends to believe those sources that agree with their conclusion. Just let me know
