Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Parthenon featured on premier episode of Travel Channel’s new series Park Secrets

Premier episode airs Wednesday, April 18 at 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., CST
Nashville, TN ---The Parthenon is featured on the premiere episode of Park Secrets, the Travel Channels new six-episode, half-hour series featuring hidden  gems in America’s parks. “Bright Lights, Big City,” the premier episode, airs at 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 18   in Nashville on cable channel 66. 
Here’s the channel’s description of the episode “Bright Lights, Big City” featuring the Parthenon.
“Centennial Park’s Parthenon might be well known to most Nashvillians, but we’ll let you in on a  little secret – there’s more here than meets the eye!
“Did you know that each column is a different diameter? That the doors are 24 feet tall, 6-and-a-half  feet wide, and one foot thick? That it took only 10 years to build this full-scale model (as compared to the 133 years ancient Greeks spent toiling on the original)? That the statue of Athena is coated in $200,000 worth of gold—and that though she looks as hard as a rock, she’s empty inside? That it was built to secure the Southern city’s reputation as “The Athens of the South?” Now you do.
“Park Secrets shares these details and more in our special episode about an inner city monument that deserves a fresh new look, and the park’s Executive Director Wesley Paine takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour to remember—one that’s guaranteed to give your audience fresh insights and appreciation for this modern rendition of an ancient marvel.”
The episode also features two other popular spots in Nashville – Hog Heaven and the Hermitage Hotel.

My Comment
I am bullish on Nashville. I love this city and am not embarrassed to say so.  I love our honky tonks and live music and the Grand ole Opry and our restaurants and our parks and our architectural gems and a lot of other stuff.  I feel fortunate to live here. I would not want to live anywhere else. I feel pride anytime Nashville gets recognized.

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