Monday, April 02, 2012

Planning Commission Budget Hearing: No new money requested.

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Rick Bernhardt, the Executive Director of the Planning Commission makes the presentation. Among the accomplishment this year, Mr. Bernhart says is the change to allow by right, residential development on the major corridors which will permit intense mixed use development corridors anywhere in the USD. Other accomplishments was completion of the Bellevue and the North Nashville Community plan and an improvement in how the public can track proposed zone change applications. Major projects for the coming year include the development of the fairgrounds master plan, implementation of the "open space" plan, the east-west connector plan, and more. Due to budget restraints, the MPC will not be hiring an outside consultant at the cost of $2.5 million, as originally planned, to develop the updated general plan. He explains how the General Plan will be developed with available resources. He explain what is involved and included in developing a General Plan. He says he can live with a 2% budget reduction. (There was no mention of Agenda 21.)

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