Saturday, April 21, 2012

Robert Duvall Announces for State House 59

 I will never vote against my constituents.

Robert Duvall, photo by Randy Foster
Robert Duvall this morning officially announced his candidacy for the State House of Representatives. He made the announcement to a packed room at the Southeast Davidson County Conservatives’ Breakfast Group at the Shoney's on Bell Road in Antioch. His announcement was greeted with enthusiastic applause.

"It is an honor to take this endeavor on", said Duvall. "We have an incumbent in a totally new district who has not represented the people," he said.  "I represent the people.  I have not voted for the people but I have voted with the people." 

He explained how in his current position as a councilman, he had stood with his constituents to work to save the fairgrounds when the Mayor and other interest wanted to close it and sell off the property. He told of  how he had represented the will of his constituent is opposing the new convention center despite pressure from the administration.
Robert Duvall, photo by Randy Foster
"My job," said Duvall "is to do what the people want. Understand, I will never vote against my constituents. This state house race is really about community: who is going to represent you, who is going to work in the community and  get the job done. As far as the work I have done over the last few years, my record speaks for itself."
He said this race is winnable. He explained that 70% of the new state house district falls into his current or previous council district. He promised to work hard to get to know the people who he doesn't know and to get those who he does know to turn them out and vote. While he said he thinks the race is winnable and he is committed to working hard to win, he said his opponent is very well funded. He asked for people to help him, to contribute to his campaign, and to volunteer to go door to door for him and help campaign.
He explained that Republican were within two seats of having a super majority. With a super majority, he explained, the Democrats could not sabotage the will of the people by walking out and denying the House a quorum. "Let's take this house," he said.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your website. I am a Democrat and your website has helped me figure out who to vote against. I never miss an election
