Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Victoria Jackson is not happy with Channel 5

Open Letter to Channel 5′s Reporter Jon Smith from Victoria Jackson

Written on April 17, 2012 by Victoria Jackson

You edited out my whole interview.  For 20 minutes I told you facts about Islam and why I was doing a PatriotUpdate.com story on it, and all you put on the air at 10 pm last night was a horrible picture, some “ditz” references, and a video of “controversial” me tromping around with a sensationalized edited voice over.  What happened to that 20 minute face to face interview we had where I told you that:
Islam is not just a religion.  It is a political and military system.
Islam is controlled by Shariah Law which cannot co exist with The Constitution.
Islam encourages men to beat their wives, behead them, marry children and kill homosexuals.  Look it up.
Mohammed, the leader they are supposed to emulate had many wives, one of which was named Aisha and she was 6 years old when he married her and eight years old when he had sex with her. (read more)

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