Thursday, April 19, 2012

What happended at the April 17th Council Meeting

This is a really, really boring meeting, Thankfully it is short at only 26 minutes. There is nothing worth watching in this meeting, however, if you are a glutton for punishment the video of the meeting is below. 

The Council voted 31-2 without discussion to approve on final reading the 60% property tax break over 12 years to Gaylord/Dollywood for a new Snow-Splash park. Only Council Members Dominy and Stites voted against the tax giveaway bill. CM Duvall arrived late due to traffic tie-up on the interstate and missed the vote.

The Council voted to defer CM Stanley's resolution that would request the mayor's capital-spending plan include money for a new Hermitage high school.

The Council votes to set Mayor Karl Dean's "State of Metro" address for May 1 at 10 a.m. at the newly opened Cumberland Park on the east bank.

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