Friday, May 04, 2012

Agenda 21 spotted again: Alert number 4 (art in public spaces)

Most of my spotting of  Agenda 21 policies has been a result of reporting what alert citizens have denounced as part of Agenda 21.  In many parts of the world however, Agenda 21 is not something that is exposed and denounced but is something that is openly identified and celebrated. Such is the case with this spotting.

This comes to us from our neighbor to the North. According to this story, the walls of the Portage mother-and-child centre, a home for recovering drug addicts and their young children in southwest Montreal, used to be bare. Now they are decorated with photographs, paintings, etchings, watercolours, sketches, and reproductions.

According to this report, "artists and private collectors donate their work and get a tax writeoff for its appraised value. The hospital, clinic or social-service agency spruces up its decor. And patients get a little sunshine in their life."

According to this story, the art has brightened the lives of the downtrodden in public institutions. Not only has art helped in healing those who are recovering but art improves the quality of life "as they lie dying."

How is this part of Agenda 21? Because it is openly called part of Agenda 21:

Getting art into public institutions isn’t just a charity affair. It’s official Quebec government policy, part of a new cultural push called Agenda 21 that grew out of UNESCO’s 2005 treaty on cultural diversity. (read more
Now you know. Art in public spaces is part of Agenda 21. First it is art in public spaces, then it is off to the gulag. I am adding "Art in public spaces" to my growing list of Agenda 21 programs. Below is the list to date.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. 

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1 comment:

  1. I am an Agenda21/Sustainable Development researcher who has loads and loads of actual helpful information on the subject. It is not hard to find and it absolutely IS un-American and a danger to soveriegnty. Having said that, i took a look at your page and i think i can safely say you have no idea or capacity to understand the subject matter you claim to have so much insight about, much less convey that important info to others so they may take action in their community. In closing, you are an embarrasment to those who fight the good fight, so stop. Please.
