Friday, May 18, 2012

Blount County Commission opposes Agenda 21

Knox News, May 17, 2012
In other action, the commission passed a resolution condemning a U.N. proposal known as Agenda 21, which many see as an attempt to impose a new system of behavior on people worldwide. (read more)

by Rod Williams, May, 18, 2012 - This is meaningless of course, but interesting. This is happening all over the country. It is interesting that at the same commission meeting, the same commissioners voted to establish a centralized tourism authority, charged with planning to advance tourism and with the power to tax across jurisdictions, which sounds like the type of thing often denounced as an Agenda 21 policy. I have no way to know, but I would bet none of the Blount County Commissioners have read Agenda 21 and only know what a John Birch Society constituent told them.

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1 comment:

  1. I have read Agenda 21 and it is as bad as it is reported to be. This is the link to the full text. Just the call to reduce carbon output would be very destructive to western civilization. For folks from Nashville interested they can visit
