Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Brad Staats enters race against Jim Cooper

Nashville, Tennessee - Nashville businessman Brad Staats will formally kick off his campaign for Congress in Tennessee's Fifth District on Saturday, June 2nd at Ellendales in Donelson from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The event will be attended by numerous friends and supporters of Staats.

"I am firmly committed to defeating Jim Cooper in November and serving the people of the Fifth District, giving the voters a true voice in the affairs of Washington. RIght now we have someone in office who complacently goes along with the anti-freedom, anti-business agenda of President Barack Obama. This is a challenge that I embrace, so that my children and the good people of Davidson, Cheatham and Dickson counties will have a voice that is committed to the core traditional American principles of freedom, equality of opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness."

Brad Staats is a married father of four who owns a commerical security business located in Hermitage. For additional information, please call John Shorter at 615-750-5975.

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