Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Update: Construction of Murfreesboro mosque must stop

Below are excerpts from a website called WND Faith, that provides a lot more information on the courts ruling and related activity:

“The court assumed there was no ill intention or willful deception on the part of the county,” the ruling continued.

“We do not attribute any sinister motives to the county, though we note the undercurrent of the argument presented by the plaintiffs. We simply find that the county failed to publish the meeting…”

The opinion noted that under the county regulations there is not an entitlement to a public hearing, but there is a requirement that the public be properly notified.

It further said that the denial of permission for a building to be used “as a religious meeting place” must be done in a non-discriminatory manner. (read more)

Original post:
According to a report from WSM news a judge has ruled that construction of a controversial Murfreesboro mosque must cease immediately. Judge Robert Corlew III ruled that construction must cease because not enough notice was given about a public meeting. What is adequate public notice is not defined in law, so this will most likely result in changes in the law that will define "public notice." 

It is highly unlikely that this will stop the Mosque from being constructed. The Planning Commission will have to give proper notice and meet again to consider the issue and again vote to authorize the construction. The fact that a vocal group of citizens do not think Muslims should have first amendment rights and who think that the second largest religion in the world is not really a religion can have no bearing on whether or not a permit should be issued.

Should for some reason, the Mosque be denied a permit, the city would most likely be sued and have to pay huge damages to the mosque enriching the congregation and the mosque would be built elsewhere in the County.  The city can not deny Muslims the right to build a Mosque no more than they can deny Catholics, Jehovah Witness or Mormons the right to build a house of worship. This win for the Mosque opponents does not stop the mosque, it only delays it for a short while. I would hold off on dancing in the streets and thanking God for this victory.

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