Monday, May 21, 2012

Council Budget Hearings: Legal Department and Internal Audit

05/17/12 Legal

05/17/12 Internal Audit

While I watched almost every one of the Mayor’s budget hearings, I have not yet watched many of the Council budget hearings. Sometimes things like work and family and life get in the way of my effort to stay informed. I intend to watch them and provide commentary as time allows. I want to see where savings are possible and I want to see if any council members are distinguishing themselves by asking the hard questions and making the department heads squirm or it the budget hearings are a sham and a love fest.

I am posting video of the various council budget hearings and will provide an update and commentary later.

I may not get to watch them all. If you watch the video and have an insight or observation, please share and leave a comment.

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