Thursday, May 03, 2012

Gaylord bribes NES with lavish perks, while little old ladies get electicity cut off.

By Phil Williams,Chief Investigative Reporter,Channel 5, NASHVILLE, Tenn. - If you go to Nashville Electric Service, they'll expect you to pay your electric bill in full. But for years, the folks at Gaylord Opryland have been getting a bit of a break on the bill for their big Country Christmas spectacular -- in exchange for tickets to the big shows and other perks that have gone to some of NES's top brass. "Why don't they just pay what they owe like everybody else?" asked NES customer Ken Jakes.(read more)

This is nothing short of bribery. Someone ought to go to jail! The Council should hold hearings. The DA should investigate and bring charges!

Look at what is revealed:
 In 2010 alone, a Gaylord summary shows that it gave NES:
  • 120 tickets to the ICE! show -- valued at $24 dollars each
  • 25 tickets to Louise Mandrell's dinner show -- $70 each
  • 30 tickets to the Rockettes -- $84 each
  • 25 certificates for rooms and parking at the resort hotel -- each worth almost $300

How could anyone with a conscience countenance a system that lets Gaylord give free tickets to expensive shows to NES executives and in turn get a break on their electric bill, while at the same time elderly little old ladies get their electricity off for non-payment?

Ken Jakes had to do Freedom of information request and spend hours pouring over NES emails to discover this outrage. It is now exposed, something should be done about it!

Ken Jakes is to be applauded for discovering and exposing this outrage. 

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