Thursday, May 17, 2012

How conservative are our members of Congress?

Below is the scorecard from the Heritage Foundation. The House Republican average is 66% and the House Democrat average is 16%. 
TN 7 Rep. Marsha Blackburn R 82%
TN 3 Rep. Chuck Fleischmann R 77%
TN TN Sen. Bob Corker R 77%
TN 6 Rep. Diane Black R 74%
TN 8 Rep. Stephen Fincher R 72%
TN 4 Rep. Scott DesJarlais R 70%
TN 2 Rep. John Duncan Jr. R 67%
TN 1 Rep. Phil Roe R 63%
TN TN Sen. Lamar Alexander R 59%
TN 5 Rep. Jim Cooper D 27%
TN 9 Rep. Steve Cohen D 16%
To know more about the issues scored and an explanation of each Senator or Representative's record, visit Heritage Action.

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