Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How many Assistant Directors of Parks do we need?

There are five – 5! – Assistant Directors in Nashville’s Parks and Recreation department making over $100,000. The Director himself hauls in $123,974. These salaries do not include the generous benefits that accompany government employment. (read more)

Wow! That is a lot of money. We do have a great park system here in Nashville, but do we need five Assistant Directors? Five Assistant Directors at over $100,000 each? I think I see a place to cut the budget.

Please, some council member: Ask about that during the budget hearings. How many Assistant Park Directors do they have in Lexington Ky; in Asheville, North Carolina; in Austin, Texas?  Have we ever considered reorganizing the department? What does an Assistant Director do? How long have we had five assistant directors?

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