Wednesday, May 23, 2012

John Stossel on Nashville's limo price-fixing

Nashville's limo price-fixing scheme keeps being used by free market advocates as one of the best examples of intrusive government, anti-competitive practices, and crony capitalism. This is from an opinion piece by John Stossel:

In Nashville, Tenn., regulators ruled it illegal for a limo to charge less than $45 a ride. One entrepreneur had won customers by charging half that, but the new regulations mean the established car service businesses no longer have to worry about him.
Perhaps Nashville's and Vegas' regulators really believe "this is an area where the free market doesn't work," as the manager of the Nevada Transportation Services Authority put it. But it's fishy that charging big fees for licenses just happens to be a very effective shakedown operation. Vegas cab and limousine businesses give "substantial" donations to Vegas-area political candidates, according to the Las Vegas Sun. (read more

Do you think our Council is proud of being the best bad example? Some are, I am sure. The council should go on record and vote to repeal limo price fixing. Win or lose, it would be nice to know who the supporters of free markets are and who are the supporters of price-fixing and crony capitalism.

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