Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Ken Jakes filing formal NES complaint with the Comptroller of the State of Tennessee

Ken Jakes, a former candidate for Metro Council and  local citizen activist with a history of exposing abuse of power, mismanagement and corruption by department and agencies of local government, has today initiated the process of filing a formal complaint against the Nashville Electric Service, charging NES with accepting show tickets and gifts in exchange for $56,000 of electric service.

Below is the letter Mr. Jakes wrote to Justin Wilson, Comptroller of the Treasury:

From: "Ken Jakes" <ken.jakes@comcast.net>
To: "Justin wilson" <Justin.wilson@cot.tn.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 11:36:36 AM
Subject: Fraudulent activity believed by NES

Mr.Wilson, my name is Ken Jakes and I would like to make an appointment with you to show you information where I believe that Nashville Electric Service has been fraudulent with the revenues owed them by Gaylord. Many of the Brass or upper management have received gifts in lieu of a payment for an invoice that I have where NES invoiced Gaylord. I hold a contract between NES and Gaylord which mentions in lieu of payment of this particular invoice they are providing such gifts as show tickets, dinner tickets, free parking passes, free room nights in Opryland Hotel, and free Golf Passes.

I informed Phil Williams of Channel 5 who saw the need to report this on an investigated report. I will post the link that shows just some of the information that Phil Williams used in his reporting. I have numerous documents to provide additional information.

I have emails where employees are saying that Gaylord is giving them free tickets and another employee responds that he would like to have eight show tickets.

The contract specifies in exchange or lieu of payment of $ 56,000.00 dollars owed by Gaylord they will furnish to NES as Gaylord call it a " Value Added Package." How in the world could these be FREE TICKETS ?

Please allow me a moment of your time to share what I hold for your review.

Link to just a few of the documents I provided to Phil Williams.

Thank you,

Ken Jakes

I appreciate the effort of Mr. Jakes in uncovering this latest outrage. Ken does Freedom of Information request, battles people with something to hide, and then spends day after day  pouring over hundreds or thousands of emails and reports and records, following leads and rumors to discover and document corruption. Ken is not a law enforcement official or an auditor nor an investigative news reporter.  He is a citizen who believes in justice, good government,  and honest and efficient government. Thank you Ken Jakes.

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