Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Mayor Dean proposes tax increase, 53-cents

Mayor Karl Dean has proposed raising the property tax by 53 cents to fund his proposed $1.71 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year. That increase would raise the tax rate to $4.66 per $100 of assessed value and would generate approximately $100 million. Dean said the average homeowner would pay about $200 a year more in property taxes.

Below were live tweets from Nashville's esteemed press corp as they happened .

The mayor is delivering his State of Metro address. 

tweets, "Mayor is proposing to raise starting salary for Metro school teachers to $40,000 (currently 35k)."

  tweets, "Dean says city has faced some of most difficult possible economic and natural circumstances but is growing

tweets, "Dean cites budgetary challenges. The Great Recession, the May 2010 flood."

 Dean says it's no secret he's using this speech to discuss budget. He says it's a choice between keeping city strong or falling backwards
: "If the recession wasn't enough," city had to recover from $2B in flood damage, mayor says

  "Due to "extraordinary circumstances," Dean points out Metro's budget has decreased by $59.2M since he took office."

MIchael Cass: "Dean says city chose not to raise taxes when hurting in 2010, "but we weren't in the clear yet" "

"We are a more efficient, more streamlined government than we were in 2007," Dean says.

Though he hasn't gotten to this in speech, Dean's budget would almost fully-fund schools, coming $2.5M short of Register's $49.8M request.

Dean says water has been biggest capital investment by city

WZTVJohnDunn:  Mayor: City has collected $11.4 million more than expected to build Music City Center from tourism taxes.

 Now talking up changes to schools, like Teach for America, free afterschool program for at-risk students, attendance ctr.

 Dean's capital spending plan includes the long-awaited new gym at Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet HS and $20M for Stratford HS upgrades.

  Dean says the tax increase allows Metro to "invest in our kids."

Dean says the tax hike will allow Metro to invest in its employees: 95% of employees will get a 4 percent pay increase.

 "I refuse to be the mayor who turns back the clock on public safety and education." Asks CMs for their help.

Speech over after about 49 minutes

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