Monday, May 21, 2012

Metro Budget Hearings: Trustee's Office. Charlie Caldwell

05/17/12 Trustee 

Charlie Caldwell, the Metro Trustee and one of the nicest men in Metro Government and a long-time public servant makes the presentation. This hearing is 30 minutes long. He explains the program that provides tax relief program for the elderly on a fixed income and makes a plea for expanding the program. He explains the difference between the tax relief program and the tax freeze program.

Councilman Charlie Tygard ask about cell phone use in the office and vehicle use. Only Mr Caldwell in his office gets reimbursed for a cell phone. Only one car, which is used strictly for business purposes, is used by this office. Part time employees get no overtime pay. Tygard asks about possible saving from cross training of employees and the possibility of sharing a pool of workers. Congratulations to Tygard for thinking about possible savings.

Council Member Karen Bennett ask a few good questions.

Council Member Dominy (21:22) ask a good question about a program that pays a third party for collecting delinquent taxes. The explanation sounds like this is a sound program but may need to be reevaluated to see if there are any possible savings.

No real opportunities for savings are recognized.

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