Friday, May 11, 2012

More on Haslam not signing of the Anti-Agenda 21 Resolution

by Rod Williams, May 11, 2012 - I do not blame Governor Haslam for trying to lay low about not signing the House Joint Resolution in which, "the General Assembly recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public and public policymakers the dangerous intent of the plan."

The Republican National Committee has passed a resolution opposing Agenda 21.  Many county Republican party chairmen across the state, including unfortunately Nashville's own Kathleen Starnes, have jumped on the John Birch Society steered bandwagon denouncing it.  Tea party groups, bloggers and numerous conservative activists have joined the chorus. If I were Governor Haslam, I also would  not have signed the hysterical nonsense that is House Joint Resolution 587, however I would not pick a fight with the whole Republican establishment and an army of conservative activist who have drank the John Birch Society's conspiracy theory Kool Aid.

I am sure Governor Haslam thought he could just quietly let the resolution go into effect without his signature and thus not sign it but not have to veto it and call attention to his opposition. Unfortunately for Governor Haslum, he is not getting off that easy. Blue Collar Muse, yesterday, reported that the House Joint Resolution had gone into effect unsigned by the Governor.  I then opined on the issue praising the Governor for not signing the resolution, saying I thought I was the only sane Republican left and stating how proud I was of him for not signing it.

Now, the fact that the Governor has not signed the resolution has been picked up by Nashville Public Radio WPLN. They report that a spokesman says that while Haslam doesn’t support Agenda 21, he “didn’t feel compelled and isn’t required to take any action on the resolution.” They then report, "almost two thousand joint resolutions have passed since Haslam took office last year. WPLN searched through hundreds and couldn’t find a single other time the governor didn’t sign one."

This may be the end of the story.  However, if the more zealous factions of the tea party smell blood in the water, they may not let this issue die. If they aggressively go after the Governor the main stream press may take interest.

Governor Haslam, I am sure, would rather continue his focus on creating jobs and improving government efficiency and managing the affairs of this state rather than deal with this distraction. However, at some point someone is gong to have to stand up to the paranoid conspiracy theorist who have gained a foot hold in the Republican Party. Governor Haslam may be the one to do it.

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