Thursday, May 17, 2012

So far Tennessee is the only Anti-Agenda 21 state

by Rod Williams, May 17, 2012 - While the wacky far right conspiracy theory group, the John Birch Society, has been pushing state legislatures and city council's across the country to adopt bills either outlawing implementation of Agenda 21 policies or condemning Agenda 21, they have met with only limited success.

Tennessee has the distinction as the only state to enact an anti-Agenda 21 bill.  The Tennessee State Legislature passed a John Birch Society piece of model legislation which was a Joint House Resolution condemning Agenda 21, but Governor Haslam refused to sign it and the memorializing resolution went into effect without the Governors signature.

Other states may be close to enacting anti-Agenda 21 legislation, but none have done so yet.  In New Hampshire the measure would prevent local and county governments, as well as the state government, from joining the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (IGLEI), an international sustainability planning group. The legislation passed the NH house and has been attached to a hiking trail bill in the Senate and that bill will be taken up next week.

In Arkansas, the Agenda 21 bill has been hard fought and has passed the House but not yet passed the Senate. 

In Arizona , the House of Representatives rejected a ban similar to the New Hampshire ban after that bill had passed the Arizona Senate.

Agenda 21 is a 20-year old document that recommends environmental sustainability goals and anti-poverty goals in developing countries. Critics claim it would take away property rights and national sovereignty. . It has no force in law and was never ratified by the Senate.  It was signed by Republican president George H. W. Bush.

The more extreme critics claim Agenda 21 is a plan to kill 95% of the worlds population by poisoning them with aspartame and fluoride.

The John Birch Society and their front groups have been the lead force behind the anti-Agenda 21 movement. They have been training hundreds of Agenda 21 "experts" who can then hold seminars and "educate" people on Agenda 21. For $195 one can order an Agenda 21 kit with pamphlets and power point presentations and script to teach anti-Agenda 21 seminars.

It is unfortunate that people all over the country are being “educated” and are trusting people who once labeled President Dwight D. Eisenhower a willing tool of the Communist conspiracy and who subscribe to a theory that ever since about 1776 all of the political movements, including Nazism and Communism, and all the wars and depression have been orchestrated by the Illuminati and today the Illuminati continue to pull the strings though sinister groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Tri-lateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the Bilderbergs . 

The mid 60's were much like today for the conservative movement. Grassroots conservatives took the party away from establishment Republicans. Unfortunately, the John Birch Society gaining prominence during the populist conservative uprising.  The JBS society with their nutty, fringe conspiracy theory stuff threatened to discredit the whole conservative movement and finally conservative leaders had to denounce them and warn Republican activist to disassociate from the JBS. The JBS was denounced by conservative leader, author, and journalist William F. Buckley, Jr. and by former Republican presidential candidate and conservative icon Senator Barry Goldwater.

After years of being practically non existent, the John Birch Society has had a renascence and has again gaining influence, this time in the tea party movement. It is my fear, that unless the JBS is denounced and disassociated from the conservative movement, the whole tea party uprising will be discredited. So far, only in Tennessee, have they been able to get their anti-Agenda 21 model resolution passed but they are influential in the tea party movements across the country. 

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