Wednesday, May 30, 2012

United Way funded NRC to host meeting on community organizing

The below is a communications from the United Way funded Neighborhood Resource Center announcing a follow-up meeting, to a meeting back in February in which John McKnight was a guest speaker. John McKnight was a disciple of the late Marxist agitator Saul Alinksy and is one of the leading community organizers in the country and was referenced and praised, although not identified by name, in President Obama's biography.

I have watched a video of John McKnight on the topic of focusing on community assets rather than only on community problems and actually find that I agree with the premise. That is not a radical concept.  Maybe McKnight has mellowed in is old age, and maybe even some good could come out of a meeting discussing the concept of focusing on community strengths.

I would attend this meeting if I was not going to be attending the anti-tax rally on the same night.  I would like to know what is said at this meeting. If anyone attends, please drop me an email and let me know what you thought about the meeting.

I really am not bothered too much that a famous leftist community organizer was brought to town to speak and that there is to be a follow-up meeting. This would seem very appropriate if sponsored by Occupy Nashville or a union or any number of other liberal organizations. I just question if this is the best use of United Way money.  I would rather my charitable dollars fund charities rather than liberal political activity. I really think United Way does a lot of good in our community but I do not think United Way should be funding political activity.

Dear Friend,

Back in February, the Neighborhoods Resource Center sponsored a meeting with John McKnight, a national expert on community organizing.   

Over 65 people crammed into our building to hear McKnight talk about seeing the ASSETS in our neighborhoods – and not just the PROBLEMS.    Some neighborhoods seem defined by their NEEDS – crime problems, unemployment, run-down houses, and on and on.   But seeing ONLY the needs condemns us to failure.   People from all over the city were here -- from very different neighborhoods -- wanting to focus on the STRENGTHS of our neighborhoods!

We are having 
A Follow-up Conversation 
at 6:00 PM
here at the Neighborhoods Resource Center, 1312 – 3rd Ave North.   
Come at 5:30 PM for refreshments and mingling.

Space is limited!!  PLEASE R.S.V.P. to Melissa Gordon at or 615-782-8212 NOW!!!

You are invited!!   We have already contacted those who came in February, but we wanted to open it up to others who were not able to attend.  

There will be a very brief summary of some of McKnight’s ideas.   But most of the evening will be spent wrestling with some questions, including:
  1. How would you apply McKnight's ideas about neighborhood assets to YOUR neighborhood?
  2. Which of his ideas do you agree with?   Which ones do you disagree with?   What can we learn from these?
  3. How do we help people to really WANT to get use their "assets" and strengths in the neighborhood?
  4. Are there specific ways that youth can come together around their own strengths and assets?  Can other groups do this as well?
Come listen, tell your own stories and experiences and make this a rich discussion.  This is only the beginning.   Together we will explore the possibilities for making real changes in our communities.   We hope you will join us and share your thoughts on building stronger neighborhoods and a stronger Nashville.

Hope to see you Thursday!   Thanks!!

Mike Hodge
Programs Manager
Neighborhoods Resource Center
1312 - 3rd Ave North
Nashville, TN   37208

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