Thursday, May 17, 2012

Update: What happended at the May 15 Council Meeting

Below is the video. commentary to follow. 

Original post
NASHVILLE, Tenn.- Metro Council passed the first reading of Mayor Karl Dean's controversial proposed property tax increase at Tuesday's night's council meeting.

"I think people want to be educated, I think want to understand exactly what this means. If we pass it, if we don't pass it, I think they want to know what that means as well," said council member Steve Glover. (link)

 No-votes for the tax increase bill, approved 30-4, were: Tenpenny, Potts, Duvall and Mitchell.
Vote for property tax increase on 1st of 3 readings is 30-4, with 3 abstentions

Attorney Cooper notes that if council doesn't pass budget on first reading, it would become law anyway, per the Metro Charter

Rhonda Marko has been appointed to the Transportation Licensing Commission. I wonder if she knows what she's getting into.

 Budget Hearings at the Council begin on Thursday, May 17th:

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