Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update: Arrest near in Murfeesboro Mosque arson case?


 Federal authorities have charged a Texas man with threatening to bomb the Murfressboro Mosque on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Two indictments were filed Thursday in Nashville against 24-year-old Javier Alan Correa of Corpus Christi. Authorities said he is accused of calling the mosque in Murfreesboro last September and leaving an expletive-riddled message that said there would be a bomb in the building on 9/11. Authorities have not made an arrest in the arson at the Mosque that occurred last year when construction equipment was set afire.

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The Associated Press reports today that the FBI, the US Attorney and representatives from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives are scheduled to make an announcement at a news conference today at 1pm at the new Islamic Center under construction in Murfreesboro. Does this mean an arrest is near in last year's arson at the Mosque?

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