Monday, June 11, 2012

Below are a batch of Council budget hearings. I watched most of the Mayor's budget hearing, but can not watch the Council budget hearings as fast as they are produced. In addition to blogging, I have a life. If anyone watches these and has an insight, please share it.

To really understand the difficult task facing the Council, one needs to watch the hearings. In addition to understanding the difficulty of cutting the budget, watching the hearing will reveal which council members are really studying the issue and thinking and asking the hard questions. I know their are questions, I would like to ask. I want to see if anyone ask them.

If I watch any of these and provide commentary I will update this post.


 This is one I want to watch. I am not convinced that the Farmers Market deserves a major increase in their subsidy. Farmers market has been terribly mismanaged. If they can't pay their operating cost, then cut them back; don't expand the subsidy. 

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