Monday, June 25, 2012

“Christians for Staats”

Press Release


Antioch Pastor, Ed Clay, to organize “Christians for Staats”

Antioch, Tennessee,June 22, 2012

Today, Pastor Ed Clay has been announced as the Chairman of the Christian Coalition for the Brad Staats
for Congress campaign. The addition of Pastor Clay provides added momentum to a campaign that has
seen a recent surge in support, as frustration with Jim Cooper mounts in his twenty-second year as a
Congressman and primary day approaches. Pastor Clay, an influential voice in the Nashville Christian
community, has led as a pastor for thirty years, most recently at the Church of God at Antioch on Mt. View
Road. Clay is also a Vietnam veteran, having served as a Lance Corporal from 1973 to 1975 in the Marine
Corps. Pastor Clay also was recently appointed to serve as Volunteer Chaplain for the Metro Nashville
Police Department.

A ringing political endorsement from Pastor Clay may have come as a surprise to his friends and his
congregation, because he has not been politically active. However, that changed when Clay heard Brad
Staats speak at a recent campaign stop. While Staats’ Christian faith was an important factor, Clay says,
“the most important thing was that I could feel how emotional this campaign is. Brad is an everyday
American who is worried for his kids’ futures and for the health of all the small businesses just like his and
knows we need changes in Washington now.” Clay also noticed that Staats is in tune with the concerns of
regular people because “he is one of us” and he “hasn’t been cooped up in Washington.”

Staats, a devoted member and Sunday school teacher at Cornerstone Church, was thrilled to receive the
support of Pastor Clay. “I’m honored to bring such a great man and leader in this community on to our
team and by having Pastor Ed Clay leading ‘Christians for Staats’ will be a major asset throughout the

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