Saturday, June 16, 2012

Conservative Fusion Book Club reading The Conservative Mind (by Russell Kirk), Part I

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
7:00 PM to
Selected By: Gene Wisdom
This location is shown only to members
"Kirk's text was not only a huge, 450-page distillation of the thinking of 150 years of the intellectual right; it was also a relentless assault on every left-wing panacea and error imaginable. The perfectibility of man, contempt for tradition, political and economic leveling-these were, in Kirk's view, the most prominent among post-1789 attacks on social order. Liberalism, collectivism, utilitarianism, positivism, atomistic individualism, leveling humanitarianism, pragmatism, socialism, ideology ("the science of idiocy," said John Adams)-these were some of Kirk's targets. Moreover, at times he criticized capitalism and industrialism; the automobile, for example, he labeled a "mechanical Jacobin." Kirk, in short, left no stone unturned. Here was a full-scale challenge to modernity." (from George Nash's The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945)

There is still time to order and read the book, and you only have to read the first half.  This is a big book exploring lots of political thought and we're going to break this book up into two meetings. Part 2 will be Tuesday, July 24, 2012.

To sign up for the book club or learn more, go to  Conservative Fusion Meetup.

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