Monday, June 25, 2012

County Clerk John Arriola resigns, ending saga over fee collection


 Arriola's resignation -- effective the end of the day Friday -- comes as part of a deal with Davidson County prosecutors that will let him avoid state criminal charges. DA Torry Johnson said it will allow his office to avoid "protracted and costly litigation." (read more)
Thanks to Channel 5 for breaking this story. 

First post
Monday, June 25, 2012, By Joey Garrison, City Paper

John Arriola, the embattled Davidson County Clerk whose practice of collecting fees to perform weddings put him under fire, has resigned. (read more

YES! It is about damn time. Thanks to Councilman Robert Duvall and all the other members of the Council who made it clear to Arriola that he could not hang on to that office. The Council will now be charged with the task of filling that vacancy.

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