Thursday, June 28, 2012

Debra Maggart Reacts to Supreme Court Decision

Supreme Court Affirms Individual Mandate of ObamaCare
Debra Maggart
NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Following this morning’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, Representative Debra Maggart (R—Hendersonville), who serves as the Chairwoman of the House Republican Caucus, released the following statement:
“This is disappointing on a number of fronts. All of us know that limited government is a uniquely-American principle. Today’s decision goes against that principle.
“However, now is not the time to sulk. This signals the beginning of a new battle against Washington. States other than Tennessee are facing huge deficits and ObamaCare will only drown them in red ink. We must find a better solution to our rising health care costs and that begins with improving our economy.
“Make no mistake about it, we are going to continue pushing back. I am going to fight for the health care rights of Tennesseans and I won’t be satisfied until there is some measure of personal liberty back in health care decisions.”

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