Monday, June 04, 2012

Call Dean’s office and say NO TAX!!!

 from B. J. Zeagler
Dean’s administration, which called the volume of emails “a modest number for an issue like this,” said it still believes the balance of public opinion tilts toward the tax increase.
Call Dean’s office and say NO TAX!!!
Mayor Karl Dean
Phone (615) 862-6000

We can STOP the 13% Nashville Property Tax Hike.

The next extremely critical step is showing up in large numbers at the Metro Council Meeting on Tuesday June 5th at 4:30pm.

We will be there starting at 4:30pm Tuesday June 5th at the Front Entrance to the Metro Courthouse with T-shirts available so you can tell Karl Dean and the Council NO PROPERTY TAX HIKE.
Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend. There will also be a public hearing at the Tuesday Council Meeting where anyone who chooses to can tell the council how they feel about the 13% Tax Hike. Most importantly, PLEASE JOIN US. The council meeting will start at approx 6:30 PM but it is VERY IMPORTANT that we get there early enough to get seats in the council chamber.

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