Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maggart ‘Maligned Unfairly’: Ramsey

by Andrea Zelinski on June 8, 2012, TNReport
Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey said he is joining the crowd of high-ranking Republicans to back the embattled Rep. Debra Maggart, who has become a political target among some Tea Party groups and the Tennessee Firearms Association.

“I do think she’s been maligned unfairly,” Ramsey told reporters on Capitol Hill Thursday, adding he plans to attend her campaign events.

Maggart is facing off against Courtney Rogers, a former Air Force lieutenant colonel. Rogers is backed by conservatives who blame Maggart for the failure of several key pieces of legislation, including a measure that would have allowed gun owners to stow their firearms in their car parked on employers property.
Gov. Bill Haslam is supporting Maggart, saying she’s taking “a lot of unmerited heat” for the so-called “guns in parking lots” issue which has set staunch gun-rights supporters against businesses owners and corporate executives who argue that their property rights trump the Second Amendment. (read more)

My Comment
It is a shame that some tea party groups and gun nuts are going after good conservatives like Debra Maggart. I am pleased to see Lieutenant Governor Ramsey and Governor Haslam sticking up for her.

The above article says the "guns in parking lots issue" has "set staunch gun-rights supporters against businesses owners and corporate executives who argue that their property rights trump the Second Amendment." 

There is no "trumping of the Second Amendment" even involved in this issue.  There is no Second Amendment right to carry your gun onto someone else's property.  

Each of the Bill of Right are prohibitions against government; not prohibitions against your neighbors or your employer. 

If a newspaper refuses to publish your letter to the editor, they have not violated your First Amendment rights. Not printing your letter to the editor is not a First Amendment issue. Not carrying your gun onto my parking lot is not a Second Amendment issue.

I do not really think the extreme right wing fringe of the "conservative" movement are even conservative. Real conservatives respect, understand and seek to preserve the Constitution and they respect property rights.

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