Friday, June 22, 2012

Mortensen Campaign Announces Fundraising Event

Campaign for 20th District Senate Seat Moves Forward

Press release
The Friends of Rob Mortensen are announcing a fundraising event for Rob Mortensen, Republican candidate for State Senate in Tennessee's 20th District. The event will be hosted by Mark and Sissy Simmons at their home on Tuesday, June 26. Special guests for the evening include State Senator Bill Ketron (Chairman, State Senate Republican Caucus) and State Senator Randy McNally (Chairman, State Senate Finance Committee).
Co-Hosts for the event include Dr. Jim Loden (Mortensen's campaign treasurer), State Representative Mark White, Metro Councilman Josh Stites, Mayor Austin McMullen, Mayor Tommy Alsup and many more.
"I am deeply grateful that so many people are supporting this event," said Mortensen. "This seat is an excellent opportunity for Republicans to grow their majority in Tennessee's Legislature." Mortensen went on to say that he believed he will win the seat. "Tennessee can be an example to the rest of the country as a place where the economy and jobs are at the forefront of our legislation. I want to represent the people of the 20th District so we can continue to move Tennessee forward in the best direction."
The 20th District seat was held by State Senator Joe Haynes (D) who recently announced his retirement.  Mortensen is running with two other candidates in the Republican primary for this State Senate seat.  Early Voting begins Friday, July 13 at locations throughout Davidson County.

*** Contact - - 615.779.9950

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