Saturday, June 02, 2012

Richard Garvin, Jr., Announces Bid for Tennessee’s New 37th House District

Smyrna, TN.   Local businessman and educator, Richard Garvin, Jr., of Smyrna, announces the launching of his campaign to become the representative in Tennessee’s state house from the newly created 37th district in Rutherford County. As an African-American Republican, Garvin seeks to represent the citizens of Rutherford County by bringing fresh ideas, common sense, and conservatism to Capitol Hill. He believes his story, perspective and vision are unique and will differentiate him in the hearts and minds of the electorate from his Republican and Democratic competition.

Richard Garvin has served on the Town of Smyrna’s Planning Commission, currently manages his father’s medical practice and teaches Psychology at Fisk University in Nashville.

“Public service has always been of great interest to me, which is why I currently serve on the Smyrna Historic Zoning Commission, CASA Board of Directors, Linebaugh Library Board of Directors, North Rutherford YMCA Board of Directors as well as being an active member of the Smyrna Noon Rotary Club. Being a Black Republican is not the norm, but it’s who I am and I trust that the common sense folks of Rutherford County will give me the opportunity to sit and talk with them about how we can work together to make our communities safer and more prosperous”,
stated Richard Garvin, Jr.

Richard and his wife Natara live in Smyrna and attend Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Natara is an administrator at Fisk University and is very close to achieving her doctorate degree. Richard holds a Bachelor’s of Business Administration degree from Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas and his master’s degree from Fisk University in Clinical Psychology. Richard’s father is Richard Garvin, Sr., who has been a trusted physician in Smyrna for over 20 years and has been a lifelong Republican—even having worked for the Ronald Reagan Presidential campaign in the early 1980’s.

Richard Garvin, Jr., recently said, “I’ve seen what has happened to small businesses due to a struggling economy, over regulation and taxation. I believe our economy and culture have been damaged due to intrusive government and a lack of personal responsibility. I will encourage increased personal responsibility and advocate for pushing back on government intrusion. The people have the answers to get our economy going again and to make our communities safer.”
Garvin will focus on three primary areas of concern as the Representative from the
37th District:
  1. Limiting Government and Balancing Budgets
  2. Attracting Quality Jobs to Rutherford County
  3. Reducing Crime in Rutherford County Communities
For more info please visit,
or call Richard Garvin at (615) 625-3853.

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