Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Supreme Court Obmacare ruling may have been a victory after all.

According to the views of some smart experts on TV today, now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the individual mandate penalty is really a "tax,"  instead of it taking 60 Senate votes to repeal Obamacare, Congress can defund Obamacare by a simple 51 vote Senate majority through the process of reconciliation.  That is a much lower threshold. If Republicans hold the house, gain a simple majority in the Senate (or maybe peal off a Democrat vote or two?) and take the Presidency, then Obamacare can be effectively repealed simply by repealing the funding.

The Supreme Court's  ruling limiting the elasticity of the Commerce clause and the ruling restricting Congress's ability to withhold a whole class of funds because a state will not comply with an optional federal policy are both victories for conservatives.  If the interpretation of the experts regarding the ability to defund the program by a simple 51 vote Senate majority is correct, then this throws the issue back into the political arena.   

The Supreme Court Obmacare ruling may have been a victory after all.

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