Friday, June 01, 2012


By B. J Zeagler

My husband and I attended the Against Dean’s Property Tax Tea Party Rally last night. We did this because we are Davidson County Residents that are just plain mad that our elected officials are trying to force yet another tax down our throats so that they can spend our money they way they want. I hope you too are mad enough to join in this fight to stop Dean and the Council. We have some wonderful hard working people trying to help us stop Dean's property tax. Ben Cunningham, God bless him, helped us stop the Tennessee income tax and now he is fighting hard to stop the property tax. Ralph Bristol is an angel. He is using his microphone to educate the public about this unwanted and unnecessary tax.

Now comes your part. Anyone that doesn't want a property tax MUST go to the court house on June 5 and by your presence, let the Council members know you expect them to vote NO on this property tax. WE CAN STOP THIS TAX. We can show Mayor Dean that the citizens of this city will not be “snookered” by him. For those of you that may not know, next year our property will be reassessed & guess what, you will get even another tax on your property. It is our civic duty to step up and stop this kind of madness... 

Businesses are moving to the counties outside Davidson County because the taxes are less, residents are moving outside Davidson County because the taxes are forcing them out. We need to take our power back and stop letting elected servants take our money and use it to their benefits without asking us how we feel.

For those of you that think "we can't stop this" we heard enough last night to know we can. Many members of the council are re-evaluating their positions on this. You better believe if “thousands” show up at this meeting they wouldn't dare go against the power of the people. Emails & calls are being made, councilmen are aware that the majority of Nashvillians do not want this tax. Making your presence be seen at this next vote will provide more evidence that we don't want this tax. This is also the only time during this vote that “you” will be able to speak what's on your mind.

Please pass this on to your friends and  family. Write your own message. Post it where Davidson County Residents can read it. Send it to anyone you know. Our presence must be seen & heard. We may not be able to go to Washington to show our power, but we sure can let our local officials know we mean business. It is up to us, we can do nothing & let this property tax get passed or we can stop it in its tracks.

WE HAVE THE POWER. Let’s show the elected officials that we expect them to vote for us, not with the Mayor.

See you at the Courthouse on
Tuesday, June 5th.
There will be bright yellow t-shirts with the no tax logo so we will stand out. Mark your calendars now.

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