Monday, July 16, 2012

9-12'ers to buy 1/2 to full page ad in Tennessean attacking Haslam

This Friday expect to see a half-page to full-page ad in the Tennessean condemning Governor Haslam because the State Department of Economic and Community Development hired an attorney to an important post in that office, who happens to be a Muslim.  The ad is being financed by the local 9-12 project. Below is an email being circulated by the leader of the local 9-12 group:

Our 912 members have been more generous than ever imagined in contributing funds to publish our Resolution to Governor Haslam in next Friday's Tennessean. Although we're still awaiting some checks in the mail, I can tell you that our donations are enough to purchase an entire half page and then some.

When all promised donations arrive, it is possible that we'll have enough for a 2/3 page ad or, best case scenario, we'll have received sufficient funds for a full page ad to state our bona fide case to Governor Haslam and everyone across the state who reads the Tennessean.
To read more about this issue, see this post: 

Regarding Samar Ali: The Haslam administration has already answered the 912ers.

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