Monday, July 02, 2012

Battle for the board: Factions fight to elect Metro's next school board

By Joey Garrison, City Paper, Sunday, July 1, 2012

When word spread in April that Elissa Kim, an executive of Teach for America, was poised to launch a run for Metro school board, emails started to circulate from the city’s foremost charter enthusiasts. They were all abuzz, having found their contender.
Besides Kim, Great Public Schools — its leaders have notable private school ties — has contributed financially to Jarod DeLozier, who is running in District 3, and Margaret Dolan, running in District 9. Dollar amounts won’t be clear until financial disclosures are turned in by July 10. The election for Metro’s five school board races is on Aug. 2, with early voting set to begin July 13. (read more)
The above is another good article explaining this issues in the School Board race and explaining which groups are supporting which candidates. 

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