Monday, July 09, 2012

Davidson County Straw Poll Shows Strong Support for State House Candidate Williamson

Geologist and Rancher Wins by 73%
Charles Williamson
NASHVILLE, TN --- Charles Williamson, Republican candidate for the State House in District 50, won the Straw Poll* at the annual GOP Nashville picnic with an impressive 73% of the vote.
“Early voting is right around the corner and I’ll continue to be out there daily meeting the folks and listening to their concerns,” Williamson says. “It’s gratifying to have this barometer of support direct from voters. This means a lot to me, but I’m especially happy for my team because I’ve got some really dedicated, hardworking volunteers.”
Charles Williamson is a Professional Geologist, president of GES, Inc., and the owner of Rockdale Ranch in Goodlettsville where he raises a herd of American Bison.
GOP Nashville hosted the annual event on Saturday July 7th at the Centennial Park Pavilion. The annual picnic is a fundraising event which allows Nashville Conservatives the opportunity to meet candidates and participate in a straw poll.

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