Thursday, July 12, 2012

The District 1 School Board race and forum

Below is the District 1 School Board public forum.

As a result of redistricting, The District 1 school board race pits two incumbents against each other: Sharon Gentry and Edward T. Kendall.

Sharon Gentry is the wife of Metro Criminal Court Clerk and former Vice Mayor Howard Gentry. She has served on the School Board for four years. 

Edward T. Kendal has served on the School Board for 27 years. He has the support of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) , which represents school support staff. Mr. Kendal's health has been a campaign issue and his daughter was involved in a scandalous legal issue which apparently touched Mr. Kendal.

In a bold move, the teachers union (MNEA) has endorsed both candidates.  I would endorse neither and wish there was another candidate.

Below is the Tennessean coverage of the District 1 race: Incumbents battle in District 1 Nashville school board race.

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