Thursday, July 12, 2012

The District 7 School Board race and the forum.

Below is the School Board Forum for District 7.

Three candidates are vying for the District 7 school board seat: Will Pinkston, Alan C. Sharp, and Hillard Al Wilkins. Of the three candidates only Pinkston has a website. (Sharp and Wilkins do not have websites.)

District 7 is the district in which I live. If robo calls, door hangers, mail pieces and yard signs are any indication, I would say Will Pinkston has won the race.

Pinkston is a former newspaper reporter, having worked for The Tennessean and The Wall Street Journal, and has served as political communications director for Governor Phil Bredesen and worked as  director of the State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE), a nonprofit nonpartisan group founded by former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. He has the support of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Metro Nashville Education Association,

Pinkston by far has the better resume and unless something happens between now and when I go vote that would change my mind, I will vote for him. I do not agree with his criticism of the State Legislature for voting to curtail the power of the teachers union, and I suspect I will not always be happy with his representation on the school board. Despite suspecting I may disagree with some his policy positions, he is competent and accomplishment.  His opponents do not seen to have any qualifications for the job.

 Al Wilkins is a retired truck driver and member of the local Teamsters Union and a veteran. I got one mailing from him, but that is about all I learned about him.  Alan Sharp works in health care field. That is about all I know about him and I got that from the Below Tennessean article.There is just not much of a contest in District 7.
 Below is Tennessean coverage of the race. Longtime Bredesen adviser makes run for Nashville school board seat.

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