Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dr. Art Laffer endorces Debra Maggart

HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn.--With election day fast approaching in Sumner County, Representative Debra Maggart (R--Hendersonville), the conservative candidate for Tennessee House of Represenatives, was pleased to receive the endorsement of a leading figure in the conservative movement.
Dr. Art Laffer, the father of supply-side economics and founder and chairman of Laffer Associates, threw his support behind Maggart in her race for the 45th House District.
"I support proven fighters for pro-growth economic policies in Tennessee. While Washington continually eschews its fiscal responsibilities for our nation, Tennessee has become a model for how government should conduct itself, stated Laffer. "In the last two years, we have witnessed the elimination of the death tax, the repeal of the gift tax, and a commitment to forever ban a state income tax. Coupled with Tennessee's right to work status, these moves are helping make Tennessee one of the nation’s premier locations for new jobs and have driven the unemployment rate below the national average."
He continued, "Tennesseans owe a debt of gratitude to Debra Maggart for these victories. Under her leadership as House Republican Caucus Chairman, the General Assembly has advanced the cause of economic freedom to lengths unseen in the modern era. Representative Maggart is a proven fighter for principle--our principles. That is why I give her my full endorsement in the 45th House District. With so much uncertainty coming from Washington, now is the time to re-elect those leaders who have helped reform Tennessee for the better. Debra Maggart is certainly one of those leaders."
Maggart said, "It is an honor to have the support of such a luminary in economics for my campaign. In my time as a legislator, we have cut taxes, kept our budget balanced, and have seen our economy improve. This is the recipe for success that is at the heart of Dr. Laffer's beliefs. Sumner County voters have 
Dr. Laffer currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee where he is the founder and chairman of Laffer Associates, an institutional economic research and consulting firm, as well as Laffer Investments, an institutional investment management firm utilizing diverse investment strategies. The firms provide research and investment management services to a diverse group of clients, which includes institutions, pension funds, corporations, endowments, foundations, individuals and others.

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