Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Elissa Kim in the last lap of the race continues to be encouraged


We're in the last lap of the race and continue to be encouraged by what is happening on the ground: 

  • Peter's personalized emails combined with his offer to drive to the polls led to 4 more votes on the last day of early voting; none were in our targeted pool of voters i.e., he convinced the non-voters to vote!
  • Hunter talked with a voter living with his very sick father; the voter was so touched by the personalized postcard they received from us that he began to cry on the doorstep.
  • Thanks to 26 different volunteers over the last three days alone, we wrote and talked to finn_at_the_polls.jpg
    hundreds of voters who at some point said they were for us. Objective?  Get 'em to the polls on Thursday.
  • At Ugly Mugs on Monday, a woman named Anna introduced herself to let me know she was voting for us. Then a guy named Todd chased me down- he's now voting for us, too.  When I got home to review Emily's must-call list of 'undecided' voters (nothing gets done around here without Em Master B directing me), Anna and Todd were both on it.  Serendipity!
At the same time, broader dynamics in the race make me pause and keep me and others working hard with only hours left:
  • While over 1300 people voted early in our district, we need *higher* turnout on Thursday.  High turnout = gooooood.  Low turnout = baaaaad. On a scale of 1-10, I would put my satisfaction level with early voting turnout at a 5.  Ehhh.  We can get to a 9 or 10 this week!  
  • To state the obvious: we are up against an incumbent.  It’s a crowded field of four. 
What next?  
  • Join Tim, Rebecca, Casey, Janna, Todd, and 40 other superhero volunteers who are working 4-hour (or more) shifts at the polls.  We need SEVEN more people to work the 3-7 (ish) slot, our most critical need!
  • Wear your shirt all day Wednesday and Thursday.  Walk and smile down the runway. Its haute couture time. 
  • Join Rob, Andrew, Tiffany, Will, Sara Beth, James, Stacie, and Greg and VOTE
  • Channel your inner general; your voting troops are waiting for you to rally them! Even if they don't know it! 
Let's make the next 48 hours count, friends.

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