Monday, July 23, 2012

Free Private Screening of the Movie 2016: Obama's America by Dinesh D'Souza

Special Offer!! Free Private Screening of the Movie 2016: Obama's America by Dinesh D'Souza - This Wednesday 7:30PM July 25 at the Opry Mills Theater in Nashville - Hear Dinesh d'Souza in person

Compliments of the Michael Berry Show - Seats are limited

Register at this website
http://TN2016.DOATTEND.COM/  Password: TN2016

Official Movie Website:  Trailer:

I don't know if you can still get a free ticket or not, but give it a try. I saw Dinesh D'Souza speak at Vanderbilt a few months ago. He is one of my favorite conservative commentators. He is brilliant. I am sure anything he is associated with is quality. Rod

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